Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

The Government of the Federal District (GDF) launched, this Thursday (21), the Registry of Persons with Disabilities (CadPCD), which will function as a database of people with disabilities. The initiative marks the date on which National Day for the Struggle of People with Disabilities is celebrated.

Registration will be a requirement for granting the Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification Card (Ciptea), as well as the Identification Card for Persons with Disabilities.

CadPCD also allows for inclusion in the DF Acessível program. Registration can be done virtually and the cards, after registration approval, will be made available in digital format.

The initiative is just one of several comprehensive measures promoted by the joint action of secretariats and public bodies and aimed at providing full conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in society.

“We have a very high level of transversality with other departments. It is a government committed to serving these people with disabilities, in the most diverse areas”, emphasizes the Secretary for People with Disabilities, Flávio Pereira. “It is a true network of support and partnerships that, directly or indirectly, promote actions that help people with disabilities guarantee their right to citizenship”, he adds.

It was through the orthotics and prosthetics program managed by the Department of Health that model Karol Cruz, 38 years old, was able to donate a motorized wheelchair.

“I and two other children are people with disabilities. The government gave me my chair and whenever I can I take advantage of public programs. When I need guidance, I look for one of the secretariat’s call centers, which help me a lot,” she says.


CadPCD is not the only new feature launched by the GDF to serve the disabled population. Soon, the Libras Interpretation Center (CIL) will be expanded to a virtual format. “It will be an online Libras intermediation center, with direct service to the deaf population”, details Flávio Pereira.

The inclusion of people with disabilities in mobility policies is also taken seriously by the Executive with the guarantee of free transport on the bus and metro system and through DF Acessível. The registered person can request a vehicle in advance to travel from their residence to the appointment location, or in reverse. The program is available for travel to and from medical appointments.

“It’s an excellent program: there are adapted vans that allow me to travel to a medical appointment. Without it, I had to rely on the help of other people and I often got hurt because I use a (wheel) chair and space is limited”, praises Abadia Alves Carvalho, 47 years old, one of the beneficiaries of the initiative.


People with disabilities can seek assistance virtually on the official website of the Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities or in person at one of the service centers. The Assistance Center for People with Disabilities (Ceaped) provides a range of services at a fixed post at the 112 Sul metro station, from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm.

The Libras Interpretation Center (CIL) offers direct service to the deaf community in the Federal District. A team of professionals in the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) is available at the 112 Sul subway station, from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm, and works with deaf citizens in a wide range of services, especially in public bodies. (schools, hospitals) and private ones providing public services.

Another possibility is the Employment and Income Center, which works to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market. The center is responsible for carrying out an active search among companies to provide exclusive job openings for the PwD public.

The information is from Agência Brasília

The post GDF guarantees inclusion and accessibility for PCDs appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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