Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

It’s time to forget the national polarization between Lula and Bolsonaro and focus on the interests of the population. The electorate cannot be forgotten.

District Eduardo Pedrosa issued a warning to his colleagues in the Legislative Chamber. He warned that “national discussions are important, but we should never place national agendas above the needs of the Federal District”.

Never, however relevant they may be, should they override the demands of those who elected the deputies, whether the issues are left or right-wing.

After all, he stressed, “the population of the Federal District elected us to deal with the problems of their cities”.

Communities need improvements, water has to reach those who need it and people want affection and attention from their representatives.

Therefore, he concluded, “we have to work hard to honor the votes that the population of the Federal District gave us”.

Polarization applies to everything

Brasília will not have municipal elections in 2024, but that does not mean that the political dispute has calmed down.

In the absence of mayors and councilors, the dispute revolves around the choice of members of the community security councils, Consegs, which will take place on October 29th, and the guardianship councilors for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, scheduled for October 1st.

Former Senate candidate for PSOL, Chico Sant’Anna notes that, although they are non-partisan spaces for the community to be present – ​​a tool of direct democracy – the ideologization of both forums is quite high, as what is seen on social media It is a repeat of the polarization between Bolsonarists and progressives.

Videos posted by conservatives call on those who are “against communists, progressives and supporters of the left” to participate in the elections and “block the victory of this left”.

On the other hand, since the last elections, left-wing parties have invested in elections for guardianship councils in order to gain visibility.

For example, Keka Bagno, who played for Buriti for PSOL, is now a guardianship counselor. As Chico Sant’Anna shows, videos cross borders. In one of them, Bolsonaro deputy Gustavo Gayer, who is from Goiás, says that this is the opportunity to stop the advance of the left.

The post Avoiding national polarization appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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