Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Senate’s Social Affairs Committee is expected to approve this Wednesday, 20th, an opinion by Leila Barros from Brasilia, which establishes rules for the installation and operation of support points for street cleaners in municipalities and the Federal District.

Senator Leila Barros highlights the importance of this measure to guarantee the dignity and well-being of these workers.

“This is a fundamental category for maintaining urban cleanliness. They face an arduous routine, which is often made worse by the lack of adequate facilities for hygiene, food and rest during their work shifts”, argues Leila.

According to the opinion, municipalities, as well as the Federal District, will be responsible for maintaining two types of support points: intermediate and main.

The main support point must have a minimum structure that includes men’s and women’s restrooms and changing rooms, individual showers, a rest room with sofas, drinking fountains, electricity and, if possible, wireless internet access and air conditioning.

This structure must be installed in each neighborhood of the municipality or in each administrative region of the Federal District.

The intermediate support point will serve to meet the immediate needs of the street cleaners when the main support point is far from the workplace. It must contain, at a minimum, male and female toilets and a drinking fountain.

The post Support points for the cleaning crew appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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