Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Brasília deputy Alberto Fraga was doing the math. He found that, although it has 2.7% of the world’s population, Brazil accounts for 20% of the world’s homicides.

Excluding wars, Brazil became the eighth country in the number of violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. It was for these and other reasons, he reasons, that Datafolha research has just shown that six out of every ten Brazilians say they are insecure in the country.

While 53% of men say they feel threatened, the proportion rises to 65% among women. Predictably, Fraga said that in the past government crime did not reach today’s levels and demanded from President Lula what constituted one of his main – in Fraga’s words – electoral promises, which is the creation of a Ministry of Public Security.

He even considers that predecessor Bolsonaro’s big mistake was to have reunited the Justice and Public Security portfolios. Here comes a curiosity: in this, Fraga agrees with a significant segment of the PT bench, which defends the division of the portfolio currently handed over to Minister Flávio Dino – especially if they are unable to place him once and for all in the Federal Supreme Court.

The post To create a Ministry of Security appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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