Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

This Monday (18), the Secretariat for Protection of the Urban Order of the Federal District (DF Legal) closed with physical barriers, with the laying of bricks, a building under construction without licensing located on Rua 4 de Vicente Pires. The work already accumulated an embargo carried out by the ministry, a notice of interdiction and almost R$ 200 thousand in fines. This is the place where a worker died while working on the 9th.

The operation had the support of the Military Police (PMDF), Secretariat of Social Development (Sedes), Novacap, Neoenergia and Caesb. On that occasion, DF Legal seized construction materials, welded gates, built walls at entrances and used siding on glass doors. The energy and water supply were cut off, also in compliance with the latest judicial decision issued by the Environmental Court.

To enforce the administrative and physical ban, the four apartments in which there were residents were vacated. In these cases, moving was offered with the transport of furniture.

The secretariat’s action followed the same flow of action in cases of irregular land subdivision. In this case, however, the installment plan is characterized in the sale of the apartments and is considered a vertical land grab.

In addition to the need to vacate the building due to the irregularity of the work, which cannot be regularized due to the number of floors it has, DF Legal assessed that there was a risk of new accidents at the work. Among the problems encountered was the lack of coverage of the pit, a danger for anyone who could work or live there.

Inspection in Vicente Pires

Since the start of the inspection task force in Vicente Pires, in July, DF Legal has already applied more than R$4.2 million in fines, embargoed 46 works, issued 30 demolition notices, among other actions. In total, there were 533 tax actions in the last two months.

It is worth remembering that the work of the task force is a continuation of the work of the secretariat in the administrative region. Since 2019, more than 6 thousand tax actions have been carried out in Vicente Pires with 417 embargoes, 320 fines, 314 demolition summonses, 192 notifications, 127 seizures of materials and 66 interdictions.

Regarding operations, Vicente Pires is the city that has been most targeted for deconstitution of public area occupation in the DF since 2021, with operations in 222 units and 910,800m² unobstructed.

*With information from Agência Brasília

The post Irregular work in Vicente Pires is blocked with physical barriers appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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