Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The new high school is not working well, in the opinion of three public school students who participated in the panel New High School: What Young People Think, this Tuesday afternoon (19) at the 7th International Congress of Education Journalism, in Sao Paulo City.

Maria Eduarda Gutérres Escobar, a 2nd year high school student at Colégio Estadual Coronel Afonso Emílio Massot, in Porto Alegre, Vitória Ribeiro, who is in her 2nd year at Escola Estadual Eudoro Villela, in São Paulo, and Maria Luiza da Silva Vasconcelos, 2nd year student at the Antônio Inácio High School Reference School, in Feira Nova, Pernambuco, assessed that reducing the workload of basic subjects at this stage of education will harm them when they take the National High School Examination (Enem ) in 2024. “I will have to study outside of school to be able to take the Enem”, said Maria Eduarda.

When participating in the congress today, the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, stated that the changes to Enem should only come into effect in 2025.

The curriculum that came into force last year reduces the mandatory nature of some subjects and creates itineraries that allow students to delve deeper into topics of interest. Among the options is an emphasis on languages, mathematics, natural sciences, human sciences or technical education. The offer of itineraries, however, depends on the capacity of education networks and schools.

“On paper, the new high school is a marvel. The idea is that it would be a more dynamic teaching and that the student would have the option to trace their path, but, in practice, this does not happen. For secondary education to improve, the structure of schools has to improve. There is a deficiency in school meals, for example. The classes are not attractive. There will be a setback in education. We are going back to the time when only upper class students entered higher education courses”, said Maria Luiza.

Vitória recalled that there is a large gap due to the years of social isolation during the covid-19 pandemic. “Even with online classes, I couldn’t keep up. When he came back, I was a little lost. It’s so busy that we end up leaving behind content that we didn’t learn. With new high school subjects, it’s just confusing. We have to work hard to be able to take the Enem, a competition. It is pretty hard.”

The government will present changes to the new secondary education. Camilo Santana hopes that the changes in this teaching stage will be assessed by the National Congress in 2023. The proposal that will be presented by the government was created after public consultation. With information from Agência Brasil.

The post New high school is not working, students say appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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