Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The majority of the financial market (74%) expects the Senate to complete work on tax reform this year, according to a Genial/Quaest survey released this Tuesday, 19th. Another 26% believe that the measure should not move forward until December.

For 62% of the 87 fund professionals interviewed, the administrative reform will not be guided by the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL). 38% expect it to be.

In total, 72% say that the Income Tax reform will not be voted on until the end of the year, against 28% who expect it to be.


Between July and September, the market became more skeptical regarding the government’s ability to advance its priorities in the Legislature. The proportion of those who consider the government’s capacity to approve its agenda in Congress to be low grew from 24% to 27%, and those who see its capacity as high fell from 27% to 20%. The assessment that capacity is regular increased from 49% to 53%.

For 56%, the entry of the PP and the Republicans into the government – through the appointment of André Fufuca to the Ministry of Sports and Silvio Costa Filho to the Ports and Airports portfolio – will lead to an increase in the ability to approve projects from the government. Another 44% say that the change will not change the situation.

Assessment of the Lula government

The proportion of the financial market that positively evaluates the government of the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, fell 8 percentage points between July and September, from 20% to 12%, according to the Genial/Quaest survey. During the period, the negative evaluation increased by 3 percentage points, from 44% to 47%, and the regular evaluation increased by 5 points, from 36% to 41%.

This worsening was manifested most strongly in the reading of the work of the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad: after having increased by almost 40 percentage points between May and July, the positive evaluation of the minister fell by almost 20 points in this reading, from 65% to 46% . The negative evaluation of Haddad grew 12 points in the period, from 11% to 23%, and the regular evaluation increased 7 points, from 24% to 31%.

The proportion of market agents who see economic policy in the wrong direction jumped 19 percentage points between July and September, from 53% to 72%, while those who see it in the right direction fell from 47% to 28%. As a result, the proportion of those who expect the economy to improve in the next 12 months has fallen (53% to 36%), and the proportion of those who foresee a worsening has increased (21% to 34%)

For 57%, the main problem hindering the improvement of the economy today is the lack of a fiscal policy that works – in July, 45% cited the criterion.

Other points mentioned were electoral interests (19% to 22%), low education and productivity of the population (21% to 15%) and high interest rates (11% to 6%).

The ratio of those who believe that the government is concerned about controlling inflation grew from 34% in July to 42% in September. During the period, those who consider that the Executive is not concerned with the issue fell from 66% to 58%.


In addition to the worsening assessment of Haddad’s performance, market agents also reduced their confidence in the minister: between July and September, the proportion of those who said they had little or no confidence in the head of the Treasury increased from 40% to 48%, while those who say they trust a lot fell from 13% to 10%.

On the other hand, trust in Lula remained practically stable: those who say they trust the president little or not at all went from 95% in July to 91% in September, and those who say they trust him a lot fluctuated from 1% to 2%. The ratio of those who trust the agent more or less went from 1% to 2% in the period.

The survey interviewed 87 investment fund professionals based in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Estadão Content

The post 74% of the market expects the Senate to complete tax reform by the end of 2023, says research appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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