Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

The President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, will return to speak at the UN General Assembly this Tuesday, at 10 am, Brasília time, after a sequence of speeches by his predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, who promoted a kind of “cultural war” and was focused on internal politics.

In 2019, in his first speech at the forum, Bolsonaro used the word “socialism” five times and attacked the São Paulo Forum. He criticized the Mais Médicos program, insinuating that Cuban professionals were infiltrated agents in Brazilian territory.

“In the 1960s, Cuban agents were sent to several countries to collaborate in the implementation of dictatorships,” Bolsonaro declared at the time. The speeches are recorded in the Planalto Palace speech collection.

Bolsonaro also mentioned another country that causes rejection on the right, his political group. “Socialism is working in Venezuela! Everyone is poor and without freedom!” declared the then Brazilian president in his 2019 speech.

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He mentioned Cesare Battisti, who was on the run in Brazil and was handed over to Italy. Themes like these animated the Bolsonarista electorate across the country.

The then president also mentioned in his first speech at the UN the senator and former Lava Jato judge Sergio Moro, who at the time was his Minister of Justice. Afterwards, both fought and exchanged accusations – before reconciling in the 2022 elections.

“Not long ago, socialist presidents before me embezzled hundreds of billions of dollars by buying part of the media and part of parliament, all for a project of absolute power. They were tried and punished thanks to the patriotism, perseverance and courage of a judge who is a symbol in my country, Dr. Sergio Moro, our current Minister of Justice and Public Security”, declared Bolsonaro at the United Nations General Assembly.


“The ideology has established itself in the field of culture, education and the media, dominating media outlets, universities and schools. Ideology invaded our homes to attack the mother cell of any healthy society, the family. They also try to destroy the innocence of our children, perverting even the most basic and elementary identity, the biological one”, said the then Brazilian president in his speech.

In 2020, the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, Bolsonaro complained to the UN General Assembly about the increase in the prices of ingredients to produce hydroxychloroquine. It was the medicine that the then president promoted as a treatment for Covid-19 without scientific support.

He also said that Brazil was the victim of a “brutal” disinformation campaign about the preservation of the Amazon and Pantanal. Furthermore, he asked for support to combat “Christophobia”. “Brazil is a Christian and conservative country and its base is family,” he declared at the end of his speech.

Jair Bolsonaro’s speech in 2021, the third of his government at the UN General Assembly, was the first in which he called for reform of the United Nations Security Council. This is a historical issue for Brazil in international politics.


Bolsonaro once again said that before his government the country was “on the brink of socialism”. And that at that moment Brazil had “a president who believes in God, respects the Constitution and its military, values ​​family and owes loyalty to his people”.

Furthermore, the then Brazilian president made a disguised mention of chloroquine, calling it an “initial treatment” for the coronavirus. At the time, the world was still dealing with mass deaths due to Covid-19.

“We don’t understand why many countries, along with a large part of the media, were against the initial treatment,” Jair Bolsonaro said at the time.

In 2022, Bolsonaro’s speech was just weeks before the first round of the presidential election. He promoted his government and made fewer nods to the right. The then candidate sought to reduce his rejection outside this group.


Still, he spoke against “gender ideology” and mentioned “defending the right to life from conception”, in addition to “the right to self-defense”.

At the end of his speech, he uttered one of the slogans he used in his election campaign. He said that the Brazilian people believed in “God, country, family and freedom”.

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The post Lula returns to the UN after Bolsonaro promotes ‘cultural war’ and internal politics in speeches appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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