Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

Santo Amaro University (Unisa) decided to expel its Medicine students who got naked and carried out a collective masturbation session while watching a women’s volleyball game at a university championship in São Carlos, in April. The conduct occurred after the victory of the Unisa student team over athletes from São Camilo University, according to a statement from São Camilo. The images went viral in recent days, and Unisa announced the decision in a statement issued on Monday night, 18. The institution did not say how many students had already been identified and expelled.

According to the note, on Monday morning the Unisa rectory became aware “of publications on social networks published during the weekend of September 16th and 17th containing very serious incidents involving students on its Medicine course”.

The text continues: “According to these videos, some students, all male, performed execrable acts by exposing themselves half-naked and simulating acts of a sexual nature during a sports competition involving medical students from Unisa and another university, held in the city of São Carlos.”

The university states that “even though these (facts) occurred outside Unisa premises and without Unisa’s responsibility for such competitions, the institution applied its most severe sanction provided for in the regulations this same Monday, with the expulsion of the identified students by the moment”.

Unisa also informs that “considering the seriousness of the facts, it has already taken the case to the public authorities, promptly contributing to other investigations and appropriate measures”

The text, which is signed by rector Eloi Francisco Rosa, ends by stating that the educational institution, “with more than 55 years of history”, vehemently repudiates this type of behavior, completely antagonistic to its history and values”.

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The post Unisa expels medical students who committed an obscene act in a sports competition appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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