Mon. Sep 30th, 2024
Public hearing discussed LOA project for 2024 (Photo: Edilberto Barros/CMM)Public hearing discussed LOA project for 2024 (Photo: Edilberto Barros/CMM)

The municipal secretary of Planning, Budget and Management, Kadson Eduardo, attributed the reduction of R$49 million in the Mossoró Budget for 2024 to the drop in revenue expected for 2023. In a public hearing on the topic, at the Mossoró City Council, on Monday On Friday, 18th, he informed that the basis for the decision was the amount raised until this month.

“We observed a deficit in expected revenue and, after analyzing the forecast for next year, we concluded that it was not possible to even maintain the amount set for 2023. As a result, there was a reduction in expenses planned for all municipal departments, with the exception of the Municipal Secretariat. of Social Assistance and Citizenship”, he said.

According to Executive Bill 68/2023, referring to the Annual Budget Law (LOA) and currently being processed in the Chamber, the City Hall’s estimated revenue for 2024 is R$1 billion and 141 million, compared to R$1 billion and 190 million scheduled for 2023.

Secretary Kadson Eduardo said that budget reductions, in each secretariat, are proportional to the overall reduction in resources.

He guaranteed the maintenance of public services and the valorization of civil servants. “We have committees studying job plans and adjustment concessions. We will honor our commitment to value our employees and keep their salaries up to date,” he said.

Kadson Eduardo also secured a public tender, informing that the commission for this purpose is in advanced work; that the procedure for hiring a panel to publish a notice will begin this year (however, it will be revealed for which of the recently announced competitions).

Regarding mandatory amendments, he declared. “There is an action dedicated to amendments for non-profit entities. And there is no restriction on the allocation of mandatory amendments, there are more than R$500,000 for each parliamentarian to make the allocation, obeying the legislation and without any interference from the Executive Branch”, he guaranteed.

Presentation of amendments to the LOA continues until Friday

With Monday’s public hearing, the next stage in the LOA 2024 calendar – in fact, already underway – is the presentation of parliamentary amendments. The deadline began on the 11th and continues until Friday the 22nd.

The amendments will be read in plenary in the session on the 26th. The reading of the decision, by the Budget, Finance and Accounting Committee (COFC), on the amendments is scheduled for October 18th.

On the same day, the Annual Budget Law project can be voted on in the first round and, on October 31st, in the second round. Voting on the final wording is scheduled for November 7th.

This calendar, however, may undergo changes, depending on the dynamics of the project analysis at the City Council, which has until the end of December to approve the Budget for the following year.



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