Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024

The new version of the daycare manual for public schools in the Federal District brings significant changes to the scoring criteria for classifying children on the waiting list for places. To update fathers, mothers and legal guardians about the news, the Brasilia Agency prepared a report detailing the main changes to the booklet.

The ordinance that made the new manual official was published last week, inOfficial Gazette of the Federal District (DODF)and meets the recommendations made by the internal working group of the Department of Education (SEE-DF), in partnership with external collaborating bodies, such as the Public Ministry of the DF and Territories (MPDFT), the Department of Justice and Citizenship (Sejus-DF), Secretariat for Social Development (Sedes-DF), the Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CDCA) and the Civil Police (PCDF).

The Secretary of Education, Hélvia Paranaguá, states that the new criteria in the booklet will bring more social justice to those who need assistance at this stage of early childhood education. “It is a booklet that mainly favors mothers of children in vulnerable situations, solo mothers, teenage mothers and those under protective measures”, she emphasizes.

The folder defines that the care of children aged between 4 months and 3 years, or to be completed by March 31 of the current benefit year, in daycare centers, is gradual and takes into account the availability of places. Students aged 4 to 5 years old, completed or to be completed in the same period, have a free and mandatory offer, and guaranteed enrollment in an educational unit within the network.

The new version of the manual establishes that vacancies will be filled according to stages, which follow the following order: pre-registration, validation of the application, classification of candidates, selection and referral for enrollment.


It will be up to the mother, father or legal guardian to pre-register the child on the waiting list for a place. Registration must be carried out through the Single Telephone Service Center (156), from Monday to Friday, from 7am to 7pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 8am to 6pm.

It is necessary to inform the child’s CPF when registering, and the legal guardians are responsible for the veracity of the information provided. These must also, during registration, indicate the administrative region (RA) and inform any priority criteria.


Validation of registration will only be carried out upon the presence of the legal guardian, on any working day of the month, at the Regional Unit for Educational Planning and Technology in Education (Uniplat) of the respective Regional Education Coordination (CRE). They must bring the original version and a copy of the following documents:

– Birth certificate or photo identification document;
– Child health record with blood typing;
– CPF and identity card of the child and mother, father or legal guardian;
– Proof of residence or declaration in the legal guardian’s own handwriting;
– Documents that prove the priority criteria for service;
– Declaration of legal responsibility, if necessary.

Validation can be carried out by an authorized person using a power of attorney, as long as they are in possession of the documents mentioned above. If the person responsible wishes to change the intended RA, the attendance must take place at the new Uniplat of interest.

It is worth noting that the registration of a child whose mother, father or legal guardian does not attend Uniplat to deliver the documents described will not be validated. Querying the position, in turn, will only be possible once the data provided is correct.


The most significant changes made by the Government of the Federal District (GDF) to the manual concern the new scoring model for classifying children registered in the place request register. This ranking will be in descending order of scores, considering the priority criteria for service and bonuses (see below).

The priority criteria for assistance and bonuses may be modified at any time by the person responsible, as long as they provide the necessary evidence.

If there is a tie between candidates, the following requirements will be considered, in the order presented: child with the longest registration period; working mother; lower family income; mother or legal guardian with the largest number of children up to 18 years of age or enrolled in Basic Education; older child.

Once validated, the registration and classification of children registered in the register can be consulted on the Department of Education website.


Also according to the document, registration will be forwarded based on a single registration per RA, respecting the classification list and the capacity to offer places in daycare centers in the public education network, partner and private institutions of the Educational Benefit Program -Social (PBES).

The transfer or exchange of students is prohibited and, in case of refusal of a place, the legal guardian must appear at Uniplat, within a maximum period of two working days, to formalize the withdrawal. Once disinterest is expressed, the child is disregarded from the classification and the place will be directed to the next person in line.

Finally, the manual defines that the registration of the child selected for a place must be carried out at the offering school unit itself, in person and within a period of up to one business day, therefore the necessary documents to complete the registration.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Understand the new criteria for classifying the queue for places in daycare centers appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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