Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024

The recovery of debts registered in the Union’s Active Debt (DAU) should reinforce the government’s cash flow by R$46 billion next year, announced the Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury (PGFN). The amount is already incorporated into the revenue estimate of R$2.7 trillion provided for in the 2024 General Union Budget bill, sent to Congress at the end of August.

The Union’s Active Debt represents the debts of taxpayers that were no longer administratively charged by the Federal Revenue Service and began to be enforced in court by the PGFN. Of the R$46 billion expected to be recovered, R$12 billion will come from the new tax transaction mechanism in disputes, included in the new law that reformulated the voting system of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Carf).

Created in 2020 to help companies affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the tax transaction allows taxpayers to renegotiate debts – both with the Federal Revenue and PGFN – with discounts on interest and fines. Adherence to the program, however, depends on paying a down payment and analyzing the debtor’s ability to pay, with the government proposing a payment plan for the installments. The new Carf law provided more incentives to make this type of mechanism more attractive to taxpayers.

In addition to the R$12 billion in debt registered in active debt, the 2024 Budget project foresees the recovery of R$30.1 billion in debts with the Federal Revenue. The government is counting on the money to increase revenues by R$168 billion and try to eliminate the primary deficit next year, as established in the new fiscal framework.

According to the PGFN, the tax transaction is consolidating itself as one of the main instruments for recovering resources by the government. For this year, the body had estimated revenue from the recovery of debts registered in the Union’s Active Debt at R$30 billion. At the end of the first semester, the body had recovered R$21.9 billion, of which R$10 billion came from tax transaction agreements.

New incentives

Inserted into the new Carf law, the litigation transaction allows the taxpayer to negotiate debts still under administrative or judicial discussion. According to the PGFN, this mechanism has three advantages: it contributes to reducing litigation in Carf and the Judiciary; increases the availability of resources in companies’ cash; and restores government revenue.

The PGFN is considering offering notices to regularize, through consensual agreements, debts related to legal theses on the calculation basis of the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Contribution for Social Security Financing (Cofins). In a preliminary study, the prosecutor’s office estimated that there are at least 19 PIS/Cofins legal theses with a value under discussion of around R$800 billion.

With information from Agência Brasil

The post Government plans to recover R$46 billion registered in active debt appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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