Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


The famous film of the director Christopher Nolan«Oppenheimerclassified as one of the highest grossing of this year 2023, and which has been able to sweep away very important films to date, although it has been well received by the public due to the story it tells about how it was to make the first bomb atomic in the hands of the scientist J. Robert Oppenheimerbehind this hides a cruel truth which the director did not show directly.

A source who lived closely the experience knowing where all the necessary material for the atomic bomb came from, he opened up to reveal what it was like to see the film, even though he knew all the truth about the preparation of this destructive element.

He revealed that he had been invited to see the film by director Christopher Nolan and although he saw many things that were reality, the director did not show a cruel truth about where the uranium comes from, material necessary for the realization of said phenomenon and which was seen in the form of marbles that the scientists were filling little by little as the film progressed, and more than that as could.

The source reported that he coming from Katanga, Congoan area rich in minerals, he knew where the material came from, and it was a mine of 24 floors deep, in which black men They were in charge of carrying earth and stone to classify the piles of radioactive ore by means of their hands, this being the cruel truth that was not shown in the film, according to what the observer tells it.

In addition to this, he asserted that in what history tells for the year 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the president Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to warn you about the presence of this material which would become a new and important source of energy of the future that was already coming, making special allusion to the Congo as «the most valuable source of uranium«.


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