Tue. Sep 24th, 2024


Currently, one of the news that is trending around the world on this August 20, 2023, has been the Women’s World Cup Finaltaken in Sydney, giving the champion to a powerful Spanish team that faced a tough England, and after the result the King Charles III and the prince William They gave their statements after the game.

Although a few days ago the Prince of Wales communicated through his social networks that he would not travel to Australia to accompany his women’s teamtoday the current monarch and his eldest son gave their encouragement for the leon after the defeat, they also congratulated the Spanish team for their great work.

Through his official network account, Prince William shared a message of support for the English, “although the end result It wasn’t what any of us wantedThey were all a source of pride for this nation, and I would like to tell you that we are very proud of you. his great spirit and strength have been an inspiration to many. and I congratulate Spain for his great victory”said the Prince of Wales.

On the other hand, King Carlos III has also made his own statement, “their effort has led them to be in the finel, I give your whole team my most sincere condolences for the negative result in the world cup final. I know it must be very painful, but no one should give up when they are defeated, just reaching the final has been a huge tribute to this country, all They will have a place in the history books. from England”.

In the same way, King Carlos III also left a message for the current Spanish champions, “with great admiration I congratulate the Spanish team alreadyI am very grateful to Australia y New Zealand for having made this wonderful tournament”.


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