Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

He King of spain Juan Carlos Iwho is currently emeritus, always had a reputation as a womanizer, even long before he married the Queen Sofia. But for some time now, they have claimed that he impregnated four women during his stay as a cadet at the Military school.

Due to the entry of the princess eleanor to the Military Academy of Zaragozathe controversy of King Juan Carlos I and the large number of women with whom he has slept in his life, even in his military training in the same academy.

Amadeo Martinez Englisha retired colonel in the Spanish army, published the book ‘Juan Carlos I. The king of the five thousand lovers’. However, it was not easy for it to be published, since there he confessed that the emeritus got four women pregnant while doing his military service.

“For example females very young pregnant for the character in the four years in which he was subject to military discipline as a cadet at the Military Land, Sea and Air Academies. He kindly said goodbye to them and except for a couple of them if I remember correctly, apart from the two cases that have come before the courts, most of them will have rebuilt their lives with a “borboncito” in the closet”, details Amadeo Martínez in the book.

It is statements generated great controversy in the public, which is now wondering about how many children the emeritus King could have outside his marriage with Sofía, a woman who had to put up with her husband’s enormous addiction to sex.

Until now, the King of Spain Juan Carlos I has not been able to firmly deny each of his accusations. His fame of womanizer even in his training at the Military school it is indelible, as well as the consequences that these have been able to bring around the women with whom he has been throughout his life.

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