Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

In 2025, all obstacles to the construction of the Russian world should disappear. Photo: Sofia Gatilova/REUTERS

In 1989, he predicted the emergence of a man very similar to Vladimir Putin at the head of the country in the early 2000s. And in 2007 he named the year of the next conflict between Russia and the West (mainly with the United States). And he even went to the Ministry of Defense with this report. The report included 2021 – 2025…

The peculiarity of this “predictor” is that he is not a fortune teller from the stars, but the historian and mathematician Grigory Kvasha, who simply calculates the phases of development of the world and the country.

Grigory Kvasha, creator of theoretical political science.

“KP” asked him what awaits us in the coming years.


– Grigory Semenovich, you made many extremely accurate forecasts. Let’s explain: what are you basing this on?

– The system is simple: Russia has been in the fourth imperial cycle since 1881. This cycle is divided into 36 years, where each last 12 years is an ideological period or a time of struggle.

It was first fought from 1905 to 1918: the Russo-Japanese War and World War I. In 1917 our participation in the World War ended: Russia simply up and left. But we had a good army and we almost won, in the end the fruits of the victory went to others…

Add 24 years – 1941. The time to fight again: from 1941 to 1953.

– So everyone knows that that war ended in 1945.

– Not precisely. That same year, the United States detonated an atomic bomb. Then we blew it up. And the Americans started the war in Korea. And so it continued until 1953. Why did it end? Again it is not clear. The USSR simply abandoned this war, like Russia in 1917, to deal with internal affairs.

After 24 years, in 1977, the time came to fight again. There doesn’t seem to be any reason, but Afghan showed up. This time of war lasted until 1989. And we abandoned it again, we abandoned the war 36 years after the previous military cycle (1953): this is the limit. We are going to take care of our internal affairs.

Since 1989, Gorbachev’s power has virtually collapsed. The Warsaw Pact falls apart. Adding 24 years…

– Maidan 2013?

– Yes, from 2013 to 2025 is another time to fight. And, of course, not with Ukraine, but with NATO.


– 36 year cycle. Is it possible to predict inside yourself? Here comes 2024. What to expect from it?

– A large cycle consists of 12 years, and they consist of 4 years. And each 4-year cycle follows the 3+1 logic. Imagine a day: tomorrow: we wake up, we cheer up, we make a plan for the day (2021); During the day we work hard (2022: preparation is over, battle has begun); In the evening we finish and count the results (2023 is the manifestation of the result, the failure of the Ukrainian “counteroffensive”). And the fourth phase, the night, when we gather strength again. Therefore, the forecast for 2024 is quite vague. But symbolically it is kind. And formally military operations will continue until 2025. But, once again, we must not forget that they are not marching for Ukraine, but for Russia’s victory over the West and the United States.

In 2024 there may even be a truce, for example, with Ukraine, which no longer has the resources to fight. One of the scenarios: the Armed Forces of Ukraine will turn around and march towards kyiv. Moreover, now Zelensky is fighting with Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny.

Overall, 2024 will be full of surprises.


– In 2024 elections will be held in Russia and the United States. In Ukraine it seems that they have been cancelled, but it is clear that there will be a lot of fuss about it. What are you waiting for?

– We are ending the fourth imperial cycle (each cycle lasts 144 years). After this, the Russian world will begin to establish itself everywhere. That is, the rules invented by Russia will spread (this was the case in 1797, when the third imperial cycle ended and we began to establish rules that were uniform for Europe; then it was the world).

After America collapses on its side now, in 2025, everyone will be looking at us. And they will say, “Well, come on, Russia, make the rules.”

– What are these rules?

– How to count money and what money is. Papers: dollars or something else? Gold? Oil? I am a supporter of the idea of ​​Arthur C. Clarke, who said that money is kilowatt-hours. They are especially good because they cannot be stacked.

The main rule, along with money, is that you cannot fight. There will be no more wars. Never. Starting in 2025, there will be an absolute cessation of wars once and for all, and this will happen under the leadership of Russia.

– How will this happen? Will the president of Russia become the chief magistrate who will resolve all disputes?

– Technology will develop, do not doubt it. Imagine there are 8 hooligans in a class who terrorize everyone (they shoot money at them for breakfast, force them to cheat in their lessons). And suddenly a good sambo fighter appears: one by one he takes these hooligans into the hall and teaches them to be smart. This is the work that was done in different imperial cycles: England expelled bandits like Spain and France. Russia is responsible for erasing a people as warlike as the Swedes. Russia did the same with German militarism. Besides us, the only ones left in the arena are the United States, immersed in pride (in Russian, not defeated) and China, which believes it has outsmarted everyone.

– But the whole world really depends on China and its products.

– The point is this – we used to say: more goods, good and different. And now there will be a completely different slogan: fewer goods, or goods that can be processed or reformatted in some way.

– That is, the end of the consumer society?

– And not because we are so conscientious. But the world simply can no longer support this insane production. If the question arises that not only every European, but also every African needs several suits and two smartphones… This may be simply impossible, the Earth’s reserves will be quickly depleted.

After 2025 there will be no more wars in the world. Russia will not allow it. (Photo taken in Mariupol.)

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN


– Why will Russia be the one to fix everything?

– Because the Russians knew different times – in 1602, people flocked to Moscow because free bread was distributed here – there were three crop failures in a row. Russia has all this in its genetic memory.

– Will the Americans, who now consider themselves the world hegemon, allow us to do this?

– But Russia is not afraid of anyone. When the United States bombed Serbia with impunity, hanged Saddam, and killed Gaddafi, everyone sat up like bunnies and blinked. But suddenly the first strange things began: Russia did not allow the United States to wipe Syria off the face of the earth and took Crimea, where NATO dreamed of turning it into its base. Additionally, Americans fled Afghanistan.

Right now the Russians are showing everyone that NATO tanks are on fire and that the United States is short of shells. That this monster is not that scary.

Both England and France also had a terrible fear of the Germans. They put Czechoslovakia and Poland in their mouths. But in 1943 the fear had disappeared. Because we expelled them from Stalingrad. Did the Germans get worse in the fight? No, he also fought well in 1944. But they were no longer afraid of him. And in 1941 paralyzing fear reigned.

The same goes for the United States. We try to appear weaker than we really are: this is the style of our empire. And Americans are advertised a lot more than they realize. The public relations are crazy, but all their military bases, these fleets and aircraft carriers… they are rusty, rotten. And the Abrams are not the same and the planes are garbage. How are Russian weapons different from American ones? Theirs must be sold at a higher price and ours must be fought.


– When will this transition towards Russian primacy in the world take place?

– Well, not in one day.

– But in our life?

– Yes. In 2025, all obstacles to the construction of the Russian world should disappear. The so-called “holy place” on the world throne will be empty. It is clear that for him we are not even the second, but at least the third. The second contender is, of course, China. And until 2029, four years, it will take the world to understand: the United States will not recover and, apart from Russia, there is no one who can become the new guarantor. Not because we have a large territory, but because the Russians inspire confidence.

– Now many people dislike us.

– Let’s say you have 25 acquaintances or friends. You write on a piece of paper who saved you how many times and how many times betrayed you. These are objective things. All countries just need to see how many times Russia has set traps for them and how many times it has helped them. It turns out that we fooled no one and saved many. They just never turned it into an ad campaign.


– In the economic field, what will the year 2024 be like?

– It is unlikely that anything will change in 2024. The economy also develops in 12-year cycles. From 1917 to 1929 there was a struggle for power, until Stalin established a monopoly on it. And then a big turning point began, from ’29 to ’41, incredible economic growth, 8 to 9% every year. This becomes clear in retrospect, because the destroyed country suddenly created a gigantic military industry.

That is, from 1929 to 1941 we saved. Then, the war: we spend (we shoot shells, planes, tanks die, etc.). And in fact, in 1953 the country became poor again: this was an ideological period.

The same economic period, from 53 to 65, was once again a battle for power. In 1965 Kosygin’s reforms began. And until 1977, the economic period, again crazy economic growth. Construction! Factories! Pipelines, BAM. All 12 years old.

Then the ideological period returns and everything is wasted (from ’77 to ’89), the economy simply falls apart.

Our time: from 1989 to 2001 there is a struggle for power. After which Putin’s reforms begin. In addition, he gathered raw material producers and began to fill the budget. By 2013, we had paid off the debts of the entire USSR and accumulated very large reserves (although already in 2003 bankruptcy was predicted for us). So that? So that in the ideological period – 2013 – 2025 – spend and not be afraid.

– That is what happens.

– Rearmament in the army, military-industrial complex, more money for construction, roads, education, science, medicine. The government is now spending lavishly. It doesn’t put anything else in the box.


– When will we have the next fat cycle in the economy, comparable to that of the early 2000s? After 2025?

– No. Our fourth imperial period ends in 2025. The “political gap” will begin until 2029. But this is where a new economic cycle will begin. But not on the scale of Russia, but on the scale of the whole world. We will determine the type of economy for everyone: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Slowly growing…

– You and I will now be accused of imperial habits.

– For example, Uzbekistan. The incredibly fertile Fergana Valley. A monoculture was imposed: cotton (which requires a lot of water and chemicals). As a result, the Aral Sea has dried up and the Amu Darya and Syr Darya barely flow. And Uzbekistan can produce enough fruit for all of humanity without harm. Each state just needs to find its niche. All this can be solved (I think we are already doing it secretly).

You just need to activate Gosplan a little and figure it out wisely, without trying to make money. As we have always done, this is the character of Russia. Russian approach.



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