Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

Photo: Russian Defense Ministry/TASS

We continue to present the heroes of special operation “Z”, participants in the fighting in Donbass. Soldiers, sergeants, corporals and officers who demonstrated their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. His determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the police units of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counteroffensives, for which they received state awards. But they are not useful for praising. The military is confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“When advancing, you must know how to retreat,” said Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. And he also repeated: “He who is brave is alive. He who is brave is safe.”


Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Fortuna

“The deputy commander of the motorized rifle regiment for military-political work, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Fortuna, during the performance of combat missions in the zone of special military operations, repeatedly moved to battalion positions and provided practical and methodological assistance to battalion and company commanders. In the area of ​​one of the strategically important settlements, Ukrainian nationalists tried to attack the positions of our troops. Andrei personally moved to one of the battalion’s observation posts, where he took command of the unit and for several hours directed the repulsion of an attack by superior enemy forces. During the battle, the company tactical group of Ukrainian militants suffered significant losses and retreated to their original positions without achieving success. The brave and decisive actions of Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Fortuna and his subordinates made it possible to prevent a breakthrough of the Russian defense line.”

ATTACK ON THE Ukrainian Armed Forces IN THE AIR

Major Alexander Kolesnikov

“During a special military operation, Major Alexander Kolesnikov received information about the buildup of enemy equipment and manpower that was preparing to launch an offensive in one of the tactical directions. Despite the difficult weather conditions, as well as the darkness of the day, Alexander took off on a Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 3 armored personnel carriers, 4 Kamaz trucks with ammunition and a large number of militants with directed fire against enemy battle formations. . Alexander’s bold and professional actions thwarted the impending enemy offensive. A few days later, Alexander was given the task of destroying fire spotters of Ukrainian militants who were carrying out their activities from the water zone of the reservoir. During the combat mission, the directed fire of Major Alexander Kolesnikov sank an enemy ship with Ukrainian firefighters, which deprived the enemy of the opportunity to effectively use artillery on this line. Losing artillery support, the enemy was unable to hold its positions and retreated.”



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