Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The use of technology to reduce crime has supported coordinated actions between the Public Security Secretariat of the Federal District (SSP-DF) and the security forces. Among the measures adopted is the use of video surveillance cameras, essential equipment to monitor situations and direct policing in a more agile and intelligent way. This Tuesday (26), the contract extract was published in the Official Gazette of the Federal District (DODF) to complement the contracting of services with the supply of materials, comprising the investment made to continue the implementation of new capture and maintenance points of the 980 cameras already installed.

The new expansion phase, which began this year and is expected to end in 2025, foresees the increase of around 500 new cameras in administrative regions that do not yet have the technology and, also, strengthening those that already have the service . Currently, 24 RAs have cameras. The images are transmitted in real time to the Brasília Integrated Operations Center (Ciob) and, from there, distributed or made available to the ten Remote Monitoring Centers (CMRs), installed in units of the Military Police of the Federal District (PMDF). With an investment of more than R$1.8 million, the forecast is that almost all administrative regions will be monitored – 33 of the 35.

The model provides greater agility in serving the population and contributes to preventive policing actions by the PMDF. Furthermore, it can ensure greater integration between security forces, assisting in investigations carried out by the Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF) and Judiciary bodies, such as the Public Ministry and courts.

For strategic security reasons, the installation points are not disclosed. The main criteria for defining the locations where the equipment is installed are the areas of permanent interest, defined based on surveys carried out by the SSP-DF, which analyze the crime spots that indicate days, times and places of highest incidence of each crime. , among other relevant information.

New investments

The images are transmitted in real time to the Brasília Integrated Operations Center (Ciob) and, from there, distributed or made available to the ten Remote Monitoring Centers (CMRs), installed in PMDF units.

The new equipment will result in more efficient policing in administrative regions that do not yet have a security system. The project has been developed in stages, due to issues involving the source of resources and operational capacity of the SSP-DF, in addition to the specific procedures of the bidding and contractual processes.

According to the Secretary of Public Security, Sandro Avelar, the implementation of new cameras is one of the government’s priorities and strengthens security throughout the DF. “The video surveillance program is a tool that optimizes policing and acts by multiplying the views of security forces throughout DF. This increase in the number of cameras directly contributes to the reduction of crime, as, in addition to better use of policing, it can contribute to the elucidation of crimes”, he highlights.

Monitoring of images is carried out in an integrated manner between security forces and 29 other bodies, as well as local and federal government institutions and agencies, with the support of video surveillance cameras, and also through intelligence surveys.

Definition of locations

The main criteria for defining the locations where the equipment is installed are the areas of permanent interest, defined based on surveys carried out by the SSP-DF, and also with guidance from those responsible for battalions and police stations.

Studies point to so-called crime spots, in which it is possible to detect days, times and places with the highest incidence of crimes. The cameras are also installed in areas with high circulation of people and vehicles, as well as on the main access roads in cities.

The use of images captured by security cameras can help shorten the investigation time and consequently bring the offender to justice more quickly. Whenever images of suspects are released, complaints quickly emerge with information that is essential for the investigation.


The cameras are high resolution – 2MP and Full HD – and help monitor demonstrations and events, as well as traffic accident situations, supporting actions to improve mobility in the capital and emergency assistance provided by the Fire Department of the Federal District (CBMDF).

“Cutting-edge technology allows us to act more assertively. Access to images 24 hours a day also contributes to the work of the bodies that make up Ciob”, highlights the Executive Secretary of Public Security, Alexandre Patury.

The SSP-DF video monitoring system is qualified as restricted access material, under the terms of District Decree No. 35,382/2014. SSP-DF Ordinance No. 26/2020 provides that “images archived or transmitted in real time from the SSP-DF video monitoring system are for private use in the interest of the public security service, access by third parties or provision of not authorized”.

*With information from Agência Brasília

The post Another 500 cameras will reinforce street monitoring in the Federal District appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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