Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

São Paulo, 26 – The Federal Court ordered this Tuesday that the Santo Amaro University (Unisa) reinstate 15 students expelled last week, after a video in which students appear naked during a sports competition went viral on social media. According to lawyer Marco Aurélio de Carvalho, who represents the university, Unisa has already decided to reinstate them, and the students will respond to an internal inquiry.

The preliminary (provisional) order for reinstatement was made by judge Denise Aparecida Avelar, from the 6th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo, at the request of lawyer Adilson José Vieira Pinto, who defends one of the expelled students. The judge canceled the effects of the ordinance that ordered the expulsion.

“I don’t question what happened during the event, because this has to be debated within the investigation opened by the university. I question respect for due legal process, the adversarial process. My client cannot be expelled without defending himself,” Vieira alleged.

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The post Justice orders Unisa to reinstate 15 expelled students appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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