Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

São Paulo, 26 – The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), said yesterday that Congress will discuss whether it is worth maintaining or overturning the possibility of re-election in the country. The measure would only come into effect after the electoral race of 2026. For the senator, the possibility of re-election, which came into force in 1998, was not positive.

“The feeling I have in conversations with senators and party leaders is that the re-election institute was not good for Brazil. It ends up harming the president’s independence”, he stated, referring to the contamination of decisions based on electoral prospects.

Pacheco said that a debate session will begin in the Senate plenary to discuss the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) authored by senator Jorge Kajuru (Podemos-GO). The text vetoes re-election to Executive Branch positions at the federal, state and municipal levels and extends the term of office from four to five years.

This proposal for debates has already been agreed upon by the college of leaders and will begin soon. “It is a topic that we will dedicate ourselves to. It is a fruitful debate, and, eventually, the conclusion may be that, for Brazil, the best thing is the end of reelection.”

In case of change, this would be until after the 2026 elections. “Any change must protect the current representatives”, he considered. To be approved, a PEC needs 308 votes in the Chamber and 49 in the Senate.

Pacheco participated yesterday in the Brazilian Forum of Real Estate Developers (Incorpora 2023), an event that brings together construction entrepreneurs and public authorities, organized by the Brazilian Association of Real Estate Developers (Abrainc). It was at the forum that the statement about the re-election was given.


In 2020, a survey carried out by Estadão/Broadcast, Grupo Estado’s real-time news system, showed that the end of re-election to Executive positions had the support of leaders in 16 of the 24 parties represented in the Chamber and Senate. The change in electoral rules had been promised by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the 2018 campaign. While in office, however, he did not take any action in this regard. In 2022, he presented himself as a candidate for reappointment.

Also in 2020, former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) admitted, in an article in Estadão, that he was wrong in approving the measure, which allowed him to stay in power for eight years. Not foreseen in the 1988 Constitution, the possibility of re-election in the Executive was approved in 1997 by Congress, with the support of FHC, who the following year would win another four years in office by defeating Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) at the polls.

In the article in which he makes the “mea culpa” for the measure, the former president says that the best would be just one term, but for five years, instead of the current four.

Estadão Content

The post Pacheco defends discussing re-election: ‘it wasn’t good’ appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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