Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro accepted a request from the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and ordered the Federal Police to carry out a new examination on all the weapons that were with the federal highway police officers and on the bullet fragment that hit a 3-year-old child. years, after approaching Arco Metropolitano, in Seropédica (RJ), on September 7th. The episode resulted in the child’s death. The judge of the 1st Federal Criminal Court also ordered that a new examination be carried out on the car in which the victim’s family was traveling.

The decision accepted the arguments of Public Prosecutor Eduardo Benones, coordinator of the Center for External Control of Police Activity of the MPF in Rio de Janeiro, about the need for new expertise, considering that the judgment of the case is the responsibility of the Federal Court. In this sense, the MPF highlighted that carrying out the new examinations will avoid future allegations of nullity of the procedure carried out by the Civil Police of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The judge of the 1st Federal Criminal Court, as well as the public prosecutor, cites guidelines from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDH Court) for criminal investigations into deaths resulting from police intervention. According to the International Court, such investigations must be assigned to independent bodies different from the police force involved in the incident.

Understand the case –On September 7, agents from the Federal Highway Police (PRF) opened fire on a family’s vehicle, hitting 3-year-old Heloísa dos Santos Silva in the head and spine. In addition to her, her father, mother, 8-year-old sister and an aunt were in the car. Heloísa passed away on September 16th.

According to relatives of the fatal victim, the vehicle in which Heloísa’s family was traveling passed close to the PRF station without being approached, but was then accompanied by a police car. According to reports, when the car slowed down and turned on the indicator, indicating that it would stop, shots were fired by the agents towards the vehicle.

The post Federal Court determines new weapons expertise of PRF agents and vehicle belonging to the family of child killed in RJ appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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