Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) stated, this Tuesday afternoon (26), that he is being politically persecuted after becoming a defendant for inciting rape. The complaint was accepted by the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT).

“I was insulted, I defend myself and once again the order of events is modified to confirm yet another political persecution known to everyone!”, he wrote on social media.

The process refers to a case when Bolsonaro was still a deputy, in 2014. At the time, the former president said he would not rape fellow deputy Maria do Rosário (PT-RS), because, for him, she “is very ugly ” and “doesn’t deserve it”.

“Stay there, Maria do Rosário, stay. A few days ago, you called me a rapist, in the Green Room, and I said I wasn’t going to rape you because you don’t deserve it. Stay here to listen”, said Bolsonaro in the Plenary, after the deputy spoke against the Military Dictatorship.

The action, which was pending before the Federal Supreme Court (STF), was sent to the first instance by Minister Dias Toffoli, after Bolsonaro lost his privileged jurisdiction.

“We have always defended more severe punishment for those who commit this type of crime and precisely those who defend the criminal now become the ‘victim'”, continued the former president.

Recently, in another case regarding the same case, the DF Court recognized the prescription of the punitive claim. In this case, the deputy sued Bolsonaro for insult.

The post Political persecution, says Bolsonaro about case of incitement to rape appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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