Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Attorney General of the Republic, Augusto Aras, ends, this Tuesday (26), his mandate at the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), leaving the collections of the offices under his leadership technically zero.

According to the biennium report, Aras leaves the prosecutor’s office with only 19 legal cases in the offices subordinate to him. They are responsible for concentrated control processes, qualified precedents, labor processes and other processes within the jurisdiction of the STF Plenary, with the exception of criminal proceedings.

For Aras, concluding his administration with records of a reduced collection on all fronts of activity is a reason for celebration and sums up the feeling of duty accomplished. “We work day in and day out to fulfill the constitutional duty of the Public Ministry to serve and serve well the public, the people and all Brazilians”, he summarizes. The reduction in assets was possible despite a record increase in the filing of new lawsuits. There was a significant number of representations of unconstitutionality awaiting analysis by the PGR (820 at the beginning of the administration), which resulted in 475 new filings. Today there are only 27 representations for examination.

Criminal action, during Augusto Aras’ two two-year terms, was delegated to the deputy attorney general of the Republic, a position occupied by Bonifácio Andrada, Humberto Jacques and Lindôra Araújo. On this front, the collection received was 432 cases, now 291.

The effort to keep work up to date has been one of Aras’ guidelines since the beginning of his administration, on September 26, 2019. The reduction in collection was possible thanks to the implementation of a new work methodology in the Attorney General’s Office. The previously existing thematic consultancies and support structures for the cabinet were remodeled and strengthened, now counting on teams specialized in each of the themes.

In addition to strengthening the teams, an innovative methodology was implemented to control all actions in legal proceedings. Weekly dispatches from the PGR with each of the thematic advisories under its direct coordination, in addition to the daily mapping and sharing of cases already dispatched with the Attorney General of the Republic between units, made it possible to eliminate the collection and maintain uniformity and coherence between opinions, initial petitions and resources. This work resulted in the publication of a general list of opinions, appeals and initial petitions, the subject of the publication Ementário Jurídica. The publication brings together more than four thousand positions defended before the Federal Supreme Court, most of which were accepted by the Court.

The processes under the jurisdiction of the two groups of the STF were delegated to six deputy attorneys general, who are today the deputy attorneys general of the Republic Wagner Natal Batista, Claudia Sampaio Marques, Maria Caetana Cintra Santos, Alcides Martins, Juliano Baiocchi and Luiz Augusto Santos Lima. Today, these prosecutors have gathered a total collection of 140 cases awaiting response. There were 566 in 2019.

One of the innovations in the processes under the jurisdiction of the STF Panels was the structuring of the Labor Legal Advisory, which has career attorneys from the MPT. Directly subordinate to Aras, she advised all processes related to labor matters, both within the competence of the Plenary and the groups. The advisor zeroed the collection.

Another consultancy that managed to clear the collection was the Qualified Precedents Management Consultancy, another structure created by Aras to provide specialized treatment, especially to extraordinary resources with general repercussions. When created, the consultancy brought together around 33 processes pending examination, most of which were highly complex.

The PGR Office also passes the processes of the Superior Court of Justice under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court and the Presidency, especially criminal cases, foreign sentences and letters rogatory, which were delegated to the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic Carlos Frederico Santos.

The improvement of the systems’ data extraction tools also made great progress, resulting in the MPF page in numbers. Specifically regarding the PGR Office, the historical line of the month-by-month collection of Federal Supreme Court cases being processed at the PGR, considering the data recorded since 2014, reveals a reduction in the collection on all fronts.

The post Aras leaves the PGR with just 19 legal cases appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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