Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

São Paulo, 25 – Former advisor to senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) and considered the right-hand man of the Bolsonaro clan in Rio, Fabrício Queiroz intends to follow a political path independent of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and his children. The retired military police officer stated in an interview with Veja magazine that his family sees him as a “leper” and complained about the lack of support for his candidacy for the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro, in last year’s election.

“The Bolsonaro’s are the type who value those who betray them. Bolsonaro didn’t help me at all in my campaign for state deputy in 2022. I didn’t even have a vote in the ballot box where he voted. If he signaled in favor of my candidacy, today I would be deputy”, complained Queiroz.

City councilor

Bolsonaro’s ally stated that he intends to run for the position of Rio de Janeiro city councilor in the 2024 elections. He compared Bolsonaro with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when commenting on the clan’s lack of support during last year’s elections.

“Lula, as soon as he won the election, went to Avenida Paulista for his first speech. On his side were José Guimarães, Lindbergh Farias and several others accused of crimes. For the Bolsonaro family, I am a leper,” he said.

At the beginning of December 2018, Estadão revealed that a Coaf report pointed to an atypical movement of R$1.2 million in Queiroz’s bank account. The value refers to the period between January 2016 and January 2017.

A former military police officer, Queiroz is a long-time friend of the Bolsonaro family and, officially, worked as Flávio Bolsonaro’s driver. The report also indicated a transfer of a check for R$24,000 from Queiroz’s account to former first lady Michelle Bolsonaro. The report was attached to the investigation that, in November, led to Operation Furna da Onça, which arrested ten state deputies involved in the scheme.


Queiroz was preventively arrested in June 2020, in Atibaia (SP). But he spent just under a month in jail. The Superior Court of Justice granted him the right to house arrest. A few months later, the same Court guaranteed his freedom. In November, the STJ decided that the investigation can only proceed with a new complaint.

Estadão Content

The post Fabrício Queiroz: ‘For the Bolsonaro family, I am a leper’ appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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