Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Transpetro increased the number of women in management positions by 48%, as part of an administrative reform that aimed to make the Petrobras subsidiary more diverse. As a result, the number of women in leadership positions rose from 65 in 2022 to 96 this year , informed the company. The company also increased the number of professionals who declare themselves black, brown, indigenous or yellow in command positions by 17% and created a Diversity Sector Management.

“Our own workforce has 18% women and, now, the female percentage in leadership positions is 24%. We are encouraging the training of our workers, offering leadership classes with a specific focus for them, for example. The increase of representation in the new appointments is part of a list of diversity and inclusion initiatives that we are promoting”, said in a statement the executive manager of Human Resources at Transpetro, Alexandre Almeida.

Among these initiatives is the creation of educational booklets aimed at promoting diversity, inclusion and combating violence in the workplace, material that can be distributed to other state-owned companies and entities. According to Transpetro, to highlight the importance of the changes, a ceremony will be held next Thursday, the 28th, at the company’s headquarters, in Rio de Janeiro.

“Inclusion and diversity are Transpetro’s social commitments. The nominations for the new structure are an important step to formalize our responsibility with this agenda and demonstrate our ability to meet society’s demands for more diversity and inclusion in companies”, highlighted the president of company, Sérgio Bacci.

Transpetro is the largest subsidiary of Petrobras and operates 49 terminals in the country, 28 of which are waterways and 21 land. It also has around 8,500 kilometers of pipelines and 36 ships and serves more than 180 customers, in addition to Petrobras.

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The post Transpetro carries out administrative reform and increases the number of women in leadership positions to 48% appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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