Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The week of the election of members of the Federal District’s guardianship council for the four-year period 2024/2027 began with the ceremony of processing and loading the ballot boxes, in the warehouse of the Federal District Electoral Court (TRE-DF), this Monday (25 ). The election is scheduled for Sunday (1/10), from 8am to 5pm. TRE-DF provided the ballot boxes for the election, with 1,172 scheduled and a further 118 available for contingency.

Loading the ballot boxes is the moment in which the names of the voters are placed, as well as the names and numbers of the candidates with their respective photographs. This process takes place until Wednesday (27). On Friday (29), the ballot boxes leave for the voting locations, which are 146 units spread across all administrative regions of the DF. On Saturday (30), assembly takes place.

The Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CDCA), linked to the DF Department of Justice (Sejus-DF), is conducting the electoral process. 220 full guardianship counselors and 440 substitutes will be chosen. There are 1,268 candidates eligible to be voted on.

“This electoral process is extremely complex and follows all the procedures of the child and adolescent protection network. When we talk about choosing these guardianship counselors, we remember that they are guarantors of the rights of children and adolescents. We return to the creation of the Child and Adolescent Statute in which we see the need for a public agent, an interlocutor who not only has aptitude and vocation, but who is an effective representative of that community. They are the ones who will dialogue with public authorities to guarantee rights”, highlights Secretary of Justice and Citizenship, Marcela Passamani.

“The Electoral Court is committed to children and adolescents in the Federal District. We are committed to strengthening the elections to show the importance of guardianship counselors, and this way it will be possible for voters to choose the best representatives to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents”, says the president of TRE-DF, judge Roberval Belinati.


On election day, October 1st, at 7am, the zeroth vote takes place (before voting begins). At the ceremony, a receipt is printed showing that the electronic ballot box has no votes for any of the candidates (or “zero votes”). This audit mechanism is adopted by the Electoral Court to guarantee the security and transparency of each election.

The election closes at 5pm. After this moment, the media with the voting data will be sent to the Palácio do Buriti for verification. There will be 34 computers totaling the numbers to compile the information. The result is expected to be announced after 8pm.

Election campaign

The electoral campaign period for the selection process for guardianship councilor runs until Saturday (9/30). Notice No. 13 sets out the conduct permitted or prohibited for candidates. It is allowed, for example, to distribute printed propaganda up to 24 hours before the vote, publicize and participate in debates and interviews on community radio stations. The prohibitions include the prohibition of false advertising and voter enticement.

Sunday’s vote is the third phase of the electoral process, which is divided into four stages. The first was the application of the objective test for candidates in June. The second phase was eliminatory and included documentation analysis in July. The fourth and final stage will be the initial training course for those elected, with a date to be announced later. The elected councilors take office on January 10, 2024.

How to vote

Citizens will be able to vote for candidates by presenting an official document with a photo or an e-title. The person will only be able to vote for the candidate from the administrative region in which their title is registered. Candidate numbers are separated by administrative region and can be consulted at this link. The voter’s voting location can be checked on the Sejus website. The secretariat will make the list of candidates and their respective numbers available at all voting locations. The names of voters who can vote in that place will also be available at each voting unit. Regional administrations will also have a list of voting locations and names of candidates in that administrative region.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Ballot boxes for the election for guardianship council receive information about candidates appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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